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Before you come to see me for the first time, I ask for your full name and birth date. By sharing these details with me, you give me permission to "observe" and prepare your session.

What does it mean "to observe"? Before we meet, while preparing your first session I use a method called "Energetic Scanning" - an intuitive tool I developed that helps me focus on the points and issues which are relevant to our session. By using the physical body as a chart I intuitively gather pieces of information in order to build a constructed summery of you. When you arrive at the session I already have this information written down and waiting for you, divided into different aspects of your life.

While observing and writing down the details I do not seek answers in far-away worlds or entities, I ask only to access you and to find the information that is relevant for you to hear. This information is a reflection on the situation where you're at, at the time of the session. Two weeks afterwards the information will probably be a bit different. 

During the session I will ask you some questions, regarding your life and the reasons for which you came to see me and then we will start discussing the information I've prepared for you beforehand. 

We usually end a first session with a short Tarot reading (if there's time left). 

A first session takes about 75-90 minutes and costs 80€.

* The session can take place either in a personal meeting or online.
The time and price are not affected by the means of communication. 

* Sessions can be done in English, Hebrew or German. 

* The payment can be done with a bank transfer, PayPal or cash. 

To book a first session, please send a message right here:

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© 2024 by Yoav Shavit

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